Clay Pit Update

On March 27, 2013, Calvin Confer, contact person for the Clay Pit Public Liason Group, received the following update from Harold Sutherland Construction Ltd.:

Historically (unchanged):

As per the minutes of settlement (2009) with the Ontario Municipal Board between the Objectors and Bluewater Logging Ltd. (HSCL) it has been agreed that Calvin Confer would be their representative.

As per the agreement the license was issued July 13, 2009 and has a termination date of 6 years after the issuance. It was agreed no extraction would take place during the months of July and August and that the rehabilitation is to be completed 7 years after the date of issuance. An annual extraction of 20,000 tonnes totaling 100,000 tonnes has been awarded to Bluewater Logging Ltd.

It is noted that the parcel will be rehabilitated back to an agricultural land use by July 12, 2016.


No extraction or site work took place on the licensed pit site in the 2012 operating year.  Additional signage was erected on the licensed boundaries of the site during the summer months of 2012.

A complaint from a landowner along the Presqu’ile Road shoreline was sent to the Township office regarding a silt plume in the water as a result of a short melt and heavy rain event the first week of March 2013. A site inspection at the pit site and adjacent surrounding area took place March 13, 2013 with HSCL staff, MNR and MOE staff to review the silt controls that were in place. MNR and MOE have provided their comments and we have agreed to undertake work to replace some silt curtains, straw bale check dam and rock check dam on the main drainage channel that flows from the pit site and surrounding lands. We expect this work to be completed by the first week in April. MNR has also instructed that the drainage channel that leads from the pit property be closed in and seeded – we expect to have that work completed by July this year.

Bluewater Logging will continue best efforts to mitigate any concerns from the community.

And Moving Forward;

We will be seeking to market some of this material in the 2013 operating year.

Nothing more to report…

Next update will be one year from now.

Bluewater Logging Ltd. (HSCL) will continue to issue updates annually or as required.

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