This is the first newsletter that is named View Point. It was written by IVDAARA president Edith Galloway.
View Point
Island View Drive and Area Ratepayers’ Association’s Fall Newsletter
October 2012
There is no better weather predictor, than it won’t snow ‘til the swamps fill up with water. Get the snow boots out and the winter tires on, the swamps are full.
The summer was beautiful, but dry. Everyone was concerned about our water levels. The main article of the fall View Point will be Water Levels on Lake Huron reproduced with permission through The Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation.
Making coffee the other morning, I sprinkled nutmeg rather than cinnamon in the coffee maker. The first sip was pleasantly different. My husband Jim, on the other hand, asked what’s in the coffee and made a new pot. It’s hard to accept change but here we go again with a newsletter format change.
As a Member of IVDAARA you receive information either by postage or by internet. The internet/email Members have opened View Point through a picturesque website and will be encouraged to explore further into topics through links to other sites. Up-dates to these topics will be posted from time to time on IVDAARA’s website. If there is a special issue, for example, the Recycling and Garbage Survey posted on Georgian Bluffs website, an email will alert Members to the information.
Internet continues to expand communications and enhances the effectiveness of a newsletter. If you are not reading this View Point on the internet and wish to do so, please note the following invitation for those residing near Wiarton.
A meeting room has been reserved with computers and volunteers to assist
Wiarton Library
Wednesday, November 7 @ 2:00pm
(519-534-5400 – Edith Galloway if attending)
Feature Article
The full article can be found at
For additional links on this subject please go here.
The Low Down
Water levels on Lake Huron appear to be approaching the record lows that we experienced back in 1964. The record lows at that time were 175.58 metres above sea level. Currently (October 2012) were sitting at about 175.8 m. The combination of last year’s warm winter, dry spring and summer, and the fact that the lake typically lowers between July and February each year, suggests we may reach that 1964 record by the end of the year.
The last decade has been marked with below average levels, s