Our seasons bring different issues. Some have been resolved while others are ongoing. In our Spring View Point, water levels and Grey County’s Transportation Master Plan were highlighted. Our attention now, the bio-digester, is far from our Island View Drive area but soon may affect all ratepayers of the Township. Summaries of some of the current issues are as follows.
SAVE Grey Road 1: The Transportation Master Plan is back on the drawing boards. We know Grey Road 1 does not end at Oxenden. The criteria are being looked at and hopefully the result will mean Grey Road 1 remains intact for the entire 33 km.
Signs were posted. Petitions were signed. The message got through.
Kemble Heritage Hills: More than 600 signatures were collected to reopen the heritage hills. These roads survived 150 years in the past. Is there no room in the future for them?
Clay Pit – Presqu’ile: Runoff continues to create plumes of opaque orange clay water in the waters off Presqu’ile. The Ministry of the Environment has responded. TheMNR compliance date for completion of the required works is October 15, 2013.
Colpoy’s Bay Lookout/Skinners Bluff/Jane Miller Plaque: Under the authority of Grey Sauble Conservation, this lookout continues to be an ongoing overgrowth challenge. The 275 foot wall has growth blocking all but 45 feet. Residents nearby petitioned to have the speed limit reduced in this stretch as cars stopped to see the view without a pullover when a conservation lookout is metres away.
Airport/ Bio-digester: Reference the Canadian Taxpayers Federation article: http://taxpayer.com/media/Toward_more_efficient_municipal.pdfMunicipalities, a growing force. Article by Bruce Hollands. He writes “Are municipalities doing too many things, allowing core services to suffer?”
Both an airport and a bio-digester are non-core services, examples of the result of Federal/Provincial Government’s policy of downloading or changing course. With downloading came increased demands on our Township’s resources and personnel, both elected officials and staff.
Edith Galloway
President IVDAARA
Est. 1975 Incorp. 1991
Membership Fee Reminder
For your convenience, 4 extra drop off points for membership dues:
J. & S. Burt – 501445 Grey Road 1
G. & D. Pynn – Oxenden – Grey Rd 1 & N. Church Road (3 mailboxes, corner of this property)
K. & J. Belbeck – 503375 Grey Road 1
C. Confer & S. Ross – 339592 Presqu’ile Road
You may also send/drop off your remittance of $10.00 to:
Keith Elliott – IVDAARA Treasurer, 504895 Grey Road 1 Kemble ON, N0H 1S0
A reminder, our fiscal year continues to be July 1 of the current year to June 30 of the next year. This can lead to confusion, as we do not operate on a January-December calendar. Payment of membership fees is appreciated by the end of the summer season.
Chatsworth Georgian Bluffs Biodigester
Notice of Scheduled Meeting: Biodigester Joint Board (BJB) Meeting Friday October 11, 2013 @ 8:00 a.m. (morning) at the Council Chambers of the Township of Georgian Bluffs.
Board of Directors at the IVDAARA Board Meeting held September 29, 2013, passed a resolution based on information at the September 24, 2013 BJB meeting. This resolution will be sent to the recording secretary of the BJB for inclusion in correspondence in the October 11, 2013 meeting. You are encouraged to review the minutes of the BJB, as found on Georgian Bluffs’ website and attend this meeting on October 11, 2013.
RESOLUTION: Septic Waste Disposal By-Law: IVDAARA Board of Directors opposes the implementation of any by-law related to the current or ongoing operation of the bio-digester until such time as such proposed by-law is published in draft and the Association has had adequate time to review, receive input from IVDAARA membership and comment to the Township of Georgian Bluffs.
There are articles on the bio-digester at IVDAARA’s web site: https://islandviewratepayers.com
The bio-digester’s initial cost was $4.07 million. $1.67 million was funding received from the Federal/Provincial Build Canada Fund Intake 2, in 2009. Each of the two municipalities also contributed $1.2 million. The bio-digester is operated and managed by a joint board and does not have any authority to borrow money. Each municipality is responsible for their own debt including interest rate and payments. At the end of 2012, the balance on Georgian Bluffs $1.2 million loan was $1,039,992. The operating costs in the financials of the bio-digester do not include the cost of the initial start up capital and annual interest payments.
The minutes of the September 24, 2013 BJB meeting show an item, fee for legal opinion on by-law. A legal firm in Kitchener Waterloo was retained to assist in drawing up a septic waste disposal by-law which is in draft form and not yet available to the public. Presently the bio-digester is undergoing tests to determine its handling capacity. At the October 11 meeting, the BJB intend to announce whether a public meeting will be called on October 24, 2013.
A municipality must hold a public meeting prior to implementing fees and charges for municipal services.
There are several issues of concern to the IVDAARA Board. One issue is the odour that the residents living in the vicinity are subjected to. There are no legislated reasons that all septics need to be pumped to the bio-digester and at an additional cost to the property owner.
Grey Road 1
The Sun Times Monday, July 22, 2013 stated that County of Grey Director of Planning and Development Randy Scherzersaid it’s back to the drawing boards. “Once the criteria have been revised, we’re going to have some further consultations with municipalities and other stakeholders, including members of the public as well”.
An update for this View Point: Randy mentioned that “they have recently received draft revised discussion papers from the TMP consultant and these are currently being reviewed internally.”
Michael Kelly, Director of Transportation Services for the County, reported that the County was replacing culverts in advance of a resurfacing project proposed on Grey Road 1 from 1.1 km east of Ivy Drive to Kemble Road. This resurfacing is currently being considered for the 2014 construction year. The timing cannot be confirmed until the 2014 budget has been approved.
Grey Road 1 Signs
COUNTY OF GREY New Policy -Advertising Sign Permits
A note regarding the placement of “Save Grey Road 1” signs.
Thank you to all who are supporting our efforts by displaying “Save Grey Road 1” signs, which are still available from IVDAARA, at no cost. To conform to a new County policy, please ensure that you display no more than two signs per property and place signs within your lot lines. Please store them over winter.
Griffith Island Lighthouse
A Note From Griffith Island Club General Manager Ken Elmes
“Since the Federal Government has decided to sell off all of the lighthouses as surplus, the Griffith Island Club has made an application under the Heritage Lighthouse Act to retain the site. The Club owns the entire Island other than the Federal Government’s 11.63 acre portion that encompasses the Lighthouse and Keeper’s House.
The Club has no plans in developing the site for business purposes as has been done with many other lighthouses. The sole purpose of retaining the lighthouse is to maintain the heritage value of the site as well as protecting the Club’s hunting/shooting tradition in a safe and responsible manner. If the public at large had access to the site there is a potential conflict with the activities that take place most of the year.
The Heritage Lighthouse Act requires that there is a provision for public access at least yearly. Due to the remote location of the Griffith Island Lighthouse on the Island, public access would mean that we would have an open house once a year. The Club does not a have a Commercial Vessel License and as such would not be able to provide transportation to the public. Access would be by private boat at the Lighthouse shore.
The Lighthouse Keeper’s house is in a sad state of disrepair and does not have heritage designation. There has been some interest by Club Members to restore that house if the Club does retain the site.”
Clay Pit – Presqu’ile
Submitted by Elaine Ford, Presqu’ile Rd
The waterfront around Gravelly Bay, particularly on Presqu’ile Road has been greatly impacted by clay waste run-off from the newest Sutherland clay pit on the south side of Grey Road 1. This has been going on for the past two years, since HSC removed the topsoil to expose a layer of clay in preparation for extraction. This operation was authorized permitting there was no affect to residents downstream of the pit. Prior to the clay pit’s existence there was relatively clean water flow during spring only, through the drainage ditch into the bay. However the clay has now been running off during almost every rainfall year round, creating massive plumes of opaque orange clay water in the pristine waters of Georgian Bay.
This impacts drinking water, swimming enjoyment and causes furry brown algae to grow along the shoreline. Residents are also concerned it might affect water birds, fish and other marine wildlife that live along shore.
Recently the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Natural Resources intervened and are “pursuing corrective actions” with HSC which will include repairing silt barriers, drainage ditch repairs and berming and “will monitor the progress” to “ensure that the causes of the siltation are addressed”.
Life-Ring at Big Bay Dock
Thanks to the initiative of Carol and Wally Ewaskiw a life-ring is now situated at the Big Bay Dock. Carol approached their neighbour IVDAARA Director Judy Belbeck with the suggestion. Judy worked through Georgian Bluffs’ CAO Murray Hackett who also had the Township install a life-ring at Sarawak Park. Later in the summer a fatal airplane accident occurred in front of the Ewaskiw’s cottage. The family wishes to pass along their thanks.
To: The Island View Drive and Area Ratepayers’ Association:
I would like to thank everyone who helped my husband and me on Sunday, August 18, 2013. While, in the process of landing our small float plane, near Big Bay, just in front of my sister’s cottage, one of the plane’s two floats collapsed. We sincerely thank all those who helped that day! It was greatly appreciated.
Visiting the area has been a family tradition for many years and the kindness and helpfulness of people in the area was very much appreciated.
Sincerely, Tricia Lloyd
Big Bay General Store Hosts Concours d’Elegance
Brent Merrill 1931 Cadillac at Big Bay Store. Photo Cobble Beach. |
Friday September 13, 2013, the tour of grand vintage automobiles arrived at the Big Bay General Store lining up for Big Bay famous ice cream cones. Pat and Bob Carriere, with Liz Perrault of Kemble, scooped the very special flavour “Big Bay Blueberries”, blueberries grown by Sandy and Lois Pynn.
Bob and Pat Carriere, Liz Perrault. Photo S. Pynn. |
Congratulations to Pat and Bob Carriere also, on their BIG BAY GENERAL STORE named the Best of Ontario by DAYS OUT ONTARIO. www.daysoutontario.com
OPP News Portal: Grey County OPP: September 23, 2013
On Sunday, September 22, 2013, Grey County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) received a report that several vehicles had been entered on Presqu’ile Road in the Township of Georgian Bluffs sometime after midnight. Please keep an eye out!
Contact: Alina Grelik – Media Relations/ Community Services Officer
Grey County OPP 519-794-7827 Alina.Grelik@ontario.ca LP13287904
Breaking News: Allen Smutylo shortlisted for GG Award
Big Bay visual artist and travel writer Allen Smutylo, who was the keynote speaker at our AGM this July, is a finalist for the Governor General Award for non-fiction. His book, The Memory of Water, is one of five books short listed for the award. The winner will be announced in November. Allen’s book is also nominated for the Banff Mountain Festival’s Best Travel / Adventure Book. The winner for that award will be announced in October.
Bell Canada Services Issues
Director Pam Wilson advises the following
Rather than dealing with Bell’s off shore dispatchers we have been granted permission to call “Woody” Wood, Field Services Manager for Bell 519 North area.
Phone 519-235-3591 Fax 519-235-0488
Mobile 519-280-1161 Pager 519-750-5345
Kemble Harvest Blowout
Kemble Ball DiamondSaturday October 26th
Doors open at 11:00 a.m. Pumpkins fly at 1:00 p.m.
For this and other upcoming events please check the events page on the IVDAARA web site.
IVDAARA Contact Information
General email address: info@islandviewratepayers.com
By mail: IVDAARA, 250784 Big Bay Sideroad, Georgian Bluffs, ON N0H 2T0
Membership applications and renewals: Pam Wilson, baygal@hurontel.on.ca