View Point
Island View Drive and Area Ratepayers’ Association
Spring 2013 Newsletter
Low water levels are a concern today, even as creeks overflow with the spring rains. This 1927 photo of the dock at Big Bay (North Keppel) shows low water levels of the mid 1920’s similar to today. (See chart in Feature Article, Fall 2012 View Point: )
Our Feature Article in Spring 2013 View Point takes our attention away from the water to the road, Grey Road 1. Grey County is working with two consulting engineering firms to complete a 25 year Transportation Master Plan with time horizons to 2021 and 2036.
IVDAARA is actively addressing this issue having responded to Grey County’s Transportation Master Plan’s initial Design Study Questionnaire. Due April 29, 2013, is a Comment Form questioning certain recommendations based on criteria ratings. IVDAARA represents the Membership, however your show of support is valued. There are no points awarded for the obvious feature that Grey Road 1 is the County’s most scenic shoreline route, viewing out to Georgian Bay, and shadowed by the Niagara Escarpment while linking urban centres supporting a tourist destination.
There is no consideration given in that residents along Grey Road 1 now required the 9-1-1 Property Addressing for Canada Post service and would be subject to another address change if parts of Grey Road no longer qualified for a County road. Should this happen, Georgian Bluffs has the authority to rename this road, perhaps, Grey Road One.
Edith Galloway, President IVDAARA
Feature Article
Grey County Transportation Master Plan
Impact on IVDAARA Members
The Grey County Transportation Master Plan as prepared by technical consultants proposes to transfer responsibility for 245 kilometres of County roads to the municipalities. A disproportional number (22.5%) of these road sections to be downloaded are in Georgian Bluffs, including the Grey Road 1 section from Oxenden to Kemble Rock Road (KWI Lookout).
Grey Road 1 –Wiarton to Oxenden Qualified, Oxenden to Kemble Rock Road Did Not
The consultants used a point system based on various criteria to rate each road or section. Only roads earning more than six (6) points can be retained as County roads. The sections of GR1 from Wiarton to Oxenden earned eleven (11) points, the KWI Lookout to Owen Sound earned a minimum of nine (9) points while Oxenden to Kemble Rock Road earned just one (1) single point for traffic volume. It was one of only two County road sections to score the lowest one (1). To those who regularly drive Grey Road 1, the road appears to be continuous from Wiarton to Owen Sound, but for what appears to be arbitrary reasons, the consultant divided it in sections. The question stands, would the road considered in its entirety not make the grade.
IVDAARA –Actions
IVDAARA was contacted by Mayor Barfoot late in 2012 asking that we respond to a questionnaire and submit comments to Grey County. This Submission in January 2013, can be found on our website.
On April 18, 2013, a public information session was held at the County of Grey Administration Building. President and four IVDAARA Directors attended this presentation and spoke at length with representatives of the consultant, Grey County, and our own municipality. After much discussion the consultant appeared to be open to reviewing the rating assigned to the GR1 section, e.g. to allow points for resort/recreation service, barrier service, urban centre/upper tier connector (Wiarton as well as Owen Sound), and Urban Arterial Extension. The IVDAARA will be submitting our position to the project team; this submission is detailed below.
What You Can Do
Everybody can send comments to the Grey County Transportation Master Plan. The deadline for submission is April 29, 2013. Indicate IVDAARA COMMENTS We have expressed our concerns as to this time frame. Comments will now be received into May.
You may of course use your own words and express your own opinions, and/or use some of the opinions expressed in the IVDAARA submission, but if at all possible, please send in your comments.
Details of the plan can be found at:
Your comments should be sent to the project team:
Director of Planning & Development
County of Grey
595 9th Avenue East
Owen Sound, ON N4K 3E3
Tel: 519-372-0219 ext. 1237
Fax: 519-376-7970
Email: |
Consultant Project Manager
Cole Engineering Group Ltd.
70 Valleywood Drive
Markham, ON L3R 4T5
Tel: 905-940-6161 ext. 308
Fax: 905-940-2064
Email: |
IVDAARA Comments Submitted to the Project Team:
The Board of the Island View Drive and Area Ratepayers’ Association supports retaining our Island View Drive as Grey County Road 1. There are many thoughts as to why the road should or should not be a County Road. However, whether included or excluded the decision is made by criteria ratings.
Grey Road 1 starting at the Wiarton/Bruce County Line and ending at 3.2 km at Oxenden received sufficient points eleven (11) to remain a County Road. The remaining “sliced off portion” 29 km extending along the shore to Kemble Rock Road does not qualify with present consultant’s assessment, and would be recommended to be downloaded to Georgian Bluffs as a Township Road.
The IVDAARA Board examined the points and was surprised to learn that the 29 km “sliced off portion” was awarded just one (1) point (for traffic volume). Twelve kilometres of this section has bike lanes for active transportation.
Grey Road 1 starts at Wiarton and forms the Scenic Route to Kemble Rock Road. It does not end at Oxenden. It does not start at Oxenden. For this analysis, the two pieces the consultant severed will be referred to as Wiarton/Oxenden(W/O) and Oxenden/Kemble Rock(O/KR).
Criterion 1 & 2 Urban Centre Upper Tier
Serving an urban centre (Wiarton), and upper tier- the King’s Highway (Highway #6-north south through Wiarton).
Grey Road 1 (W/O) received four (4) points for urban centre and upper tier. Moving to the east of Oxenden, the (O/KR) 29 km received zero (0). Would the (O/KR) section have become a highway if the urban centre was not there to serve the residents along the shoreline? It is difficult to accept the 4 and 0 allocation.
Could this be reconsidered?
Criterion 4 Barrier Service
Obstacle to cross. Grey Road 119, near Thornbury was awarded maximum 1 point because it traversed a barrier over Blue Mountain.
Score: 0/0 for both sections. Maps show a dark gray Niagara Escarpment following the shores of Georgian Bay. This is a definite barrier. Both the waters and bluffs poise a barrier to transportation. As a barrier, the bluffs must be climbed by steep hills. The County provides a higher standard in winter conditions (salt brine), than the Township. Taxpayers look to the County Roads to be the safest route in difficult weather. This barrier prevents cell phone service. Emergences must be considered.
Could this criterion be reconsidered for (one) point for 29 km O/KR?
Criterion 5 Resort / Recreation Service
Recreation must generate a min. of 700 vehicles trips per day during normal season of operation.
Score: W/O one (1) point (counter registered 1500 vehicles); O/KR zero (0) points.
The 1500 vehicles do not stop at Oxenden. Question why the one (1) point would be awarded to the 3.2 km section and not to the 29 km? There are a significant number of places of recreational interest along the 29 km section, such as: Wiarton Golf Club, Bruce Cave’s, GSCA’s Skinners Bluff Lookout, Cedar Hill Park and boat launch, Big Bay Federal dock and boat launch, Big Bay General Store / Ice Cream Store (a major stop for summer tourist traffic), Centennial Park, Keppel Croft Gardens (featured in May 2013 issue Canadian Gardening), KWI Lookout and a number of B & Bs.
Could this criterion be reconsidered for one (1) point for 29 km O/KR?
Criterion 7 Urban Arterial Extension
This criterion was applied to reflect County roads which continued as urban arterials within an urban centre. 700 vehicles per day must continue through the intersection.
Score: W/O three (3) points; O/KR zero (0).
Section 3.2 km received three (3) points because it connects to a Primary Settlement Area (Wiarton), while the 29 km connects not even to a Tertiary Settlement but a non- settlement area (Oxenden). It is difficult to understand this analyses since there is no stop sign on Grey Road 1 at Oxenden. It is difficult to visualize Grey Road 1 taking on a minimal role when it crosses through Oxenden.
Could this division of points be reconsidered?
Criterion 9 Traffic Speed
The intent of a County road is to move traffic efficiently through the County. Predominant speed of 80 km/h and designed for 80km/h.
Score: W/O one (1) point; O/KR zero (0).
Wiarton to Oxenden 3.2 km
80 km/h for 44% of the 3.2km
Oxenden to Big Bay 14.7 km
80 km/h for 64% of the 14.7km
Big Bay to Kemble Rock Road 14.3 km
80 km/h for 100% of the 14.3 km
Would it not seem the single point went to the wrong section?
O/KR section 24.0 km @ 80 km/h but no points.
Criterion 11 Traffic Volumes
2 points for roads with volumes greater than 1500, 1 point for 500-999 vehicles.
Score: W/O two (2) points; O/KR one (1) point.
Why only one (1) point awarded to O/KR section?
Criterion 14 Connects to a County Road in a Neighbouring Jurisdiction
No section was awarded points (maximum 2). Does Grey Road 1 not join Bruce County at Wiarton? Grey Road 1 provides the route to Wiarton-Keppel International Airport – jointly owned by Wiarton/Bruce County and Georgian Bluffs/Grey County. The Grey County TMP Study Design refers to air travel in Section 2.6 Harbour and Airport: “Opportunities for increased air travel as an option to create a more desirable tourist destination and economic incentive for industries will be explored.”
Could points be allocated here?
SUMMARY: “Under the Public Transportation and Highway Act, Grey County has been granted the power to establish, maintain, add or remove designated roads from their County road system.” Taxpayers understand that a fair and equitable road rationalization review, with acceptable criteria, is essential to set a threshold weight for inclusion/exclusion of roadways. This is a planning process to encompass a time horizon of the years 2021 and 2036. The Membership of IVDAARA must also feel that a fair and equitable assessment took place prior to the consultant signing off as the Quality Control Auditor.
We have received the following comments on this article:
From Alan Barfoot, Mayor of Georgian Bluffs, April 26, 2013:
At the Warden’s forum tonight, I brought forward a notice that Georgian Bluffs will be sending a letter to Randy Schertzer asking the criteria to be changed to include points for ‘Tourism”. The document that we will prepare will include other changes that council and our staff feel will better suit our municipality in this transportation plan.
From Peter Reesor, April 26, 2013:
Counties and municipalities have different mandates and responsibilities and it makes perfect sense for Grey County to rationalize their transportation plan. The operative word is ‘rationalize’, which this plan is not. Based on poorly defined and measured criteria, this plan uses a sledgehammer to amputate 29km of Grey Road 1 (Island View Drive) from its infrastructure. Anyone who uses this route knows its importance to this County and would be hard pressed to agree with the assessment.
More importantly, this plan does not provide for an exceptional circumstance like Island View Drive. Nova Scotia’s Cape Breton’s Cabot Trail is considered a national treasure and draws tourists from around the world. Island View Drive has the potential to be a major tourist destination for the peninsula, but the County prefers to categorize it as a backwoods country road that does not meet its transportation criteria. The County needs to look past the criteria and envision the opportunity. If Island View Drive is downloaded to Georgian Bluffs and it became a tourist destination with resort/recreational development that generated tax revenue, I have no doubt the County would want to claim it back.
From Richard Magnussen, April 9, 2013 (comment submitted after the original GR1 download article):
Less traffic on Scenic road in my opinion is good. Politically we will have to insure road maintenance is kept up reasonably but with less cars should help. Township has set new grade and asphalt standard for Grey 1 …. are you saying they will go back to tar and chip? I’m not sure I would agree that they will .
From Rein Ende, April 8, 2013 (comment submitted after the original GR1 download article):
This is obviously a silly idea. The word chosen “downloading” does not mean anything in the way of the action apparently being contemplated.
Concerns, such as as address revisions, and difficulties in finding tourists, do not really touch the the local resident as much more than technicalities or minor nuisances.
But the sinister side of the proposal seems to be a kind of abandoning responsibility for what is obviously a significant thoroughfare in the County. It is suggested that the local municipality of Georgian Bluffs will find it difficult to continue the necessary maintenance for cycle and pedestrian traffic. Any step with such an obvious result is contrary to widely held notions in our society, that encourage non-motorized movement.
A similar kind of actionoccurred during the[…] days of the […] Harris government in Ontario, whereby designated highways were transferred to cities, dumping the burden for
on-going maintenance without any promise of continued funding for the added expense. We now see ridiculous situations where highways are interrupted at city boundaries, with peculiar street names like “Highway Seven Avenue”. The confusion to the travelling public is immediately apparent. The actual consequence was a nasty shell-game with no total savings to the public, since provincial funds and municipal funds both still have to come from the purse of the taxpayer. The current proposal for Grey Country to “download” a portion of Grey Road 1 is equally suspect, and therefore has little merit.
Send us an email If you would like to add your comments to this article.
Big Bay Remembers 1863 – 2008
Walking Tour and Story Book
In the last year, 3 inquires have been received about ancestor buried in Big Bay Cemetery. Rob Muylwyk, Director and web master supports Big Bay Remembers site through our ratepayers’ site.
We received the following feedback about the web site:
Hello Edith, Just taking a moment to thank you for mailing the brochures, and researching the copies of entries for Big Bay lot owners, school attendance and census records.
It was very exciting to receive this package! I started this little Ancestry project without really realizing that Big Bay was my grandmother’s childhood home. Or that my great grandfather John Thomas Perry used to be a wagon/carriage maker in Big Bay, and even bought the sawmill there. We used to visit my grandmother when she lived in the 60’s and 70’s on Grey Road 1 (just outside Owen Sound). Growing up my Dad had a small cottage near Big Bay – and we would visit, jump off the dock and eat ice cream. Great memories.
The information you gave me is excellent, so glad your group is preserving Big Bay’s history!
School register showing attendence of a Perry family member.
Keppel Croft Gardens
Congratulations to Dawn and Bill Loney on the article “Rooted in Stone” and ten pages of outstanding photos published in the May 2013 Issue of Canadian Gardening.
Georgian Bluffs 2012 – 2013 Budget
Assessment Growth in Georgian Bluffs in 2012 increased at a nominal rate of less than 0.5 % over 2011. Property Assessment appeals wiped out this growth in assessment. Total Municipal Assessment base increased. 2013 Proposed Budget would see Municipal Levy increase 4.3 %. 2013 Proposed Budget – Total Municipal Operating Costs will increase 14.2%.
Membership Notice:
Membership stands at 303 Members. 251 Members are paid up. 52 Members are in arrears. As President, I am proud to be supported by the Membership who each year get a cheque to IVDAARA. However, please be advised that if your membership dues are not up to date, this will be your final communication from us.
Membership is $10.00 and there is no reason to change it. Members are gradually changing over to email which minimizes the mailing and printing costs. Members who do not have email are valued Members, and will continue to receive the Spring and Fall “View Point” newsletter.
Fees are due in July for the next year. Fees can now be received for the period of July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. Membership renewal forms and cheques may be mailed to or dropped in mailbox of Treasurer Keith Elliott, 504859 Grey Road 1, Kemble N0H 1S0. The membership form is available from our website at .
The letterhead above, was found in IVDAARA files, and once again is being used as our letterhead in correspondence. Does someone know who designed the logo and when?
IVDAARA Corporate Status
Island View Drive and Area Ratepayers’ Association filed Letters Patent July 12, 1991 to incorporate in Ontario as a not-for-profit corporation governed by the Corporations Act.
Bill 65, Not-for-Profit Corporation Act, 2010 awaits proclamation, the final act of approval. All Not-for-Profit Corporations will have a set time to bring a constitution into compliance. Due to the Ontario Legislature being proroged, The Act will not come into effect before January 2014.The Board will review By-law #1, the Constitution once the 2014 Act is in force.
Notice of Annual General Meeting to our Members
The Annual General Meeting of Island View Drive and Area Ratepayers’ Association, will be held at 9:30 a.m., Saturday July 20, 2013, the 3rd Saturday in July. Arrive at 9:00 a.m. to socialize with Members and enjoy fruit, pastries and beverages supplied by Kemble Women’s Institute.
Guest speaker will be Allen Smutylo. The topic, Memory of Water, the title of Allen’s recently published book.
Upcoming Events
- Friday May 3, 2013 7:00 p.m. Kemble Women’s Institute “Crokinole at the Church”, Kemble United Church.
- Saturday June 1, 2013: Island View Drive Longest Yard Sale
- Thursday June 6, 2013 5-7 p.m.: Kemble United Church Fish Dinner
- Thursday, June 13, 2013 7 p.m.: Georgian Bay Low Water Level Meeting organized by municipalities around the Bay, at the Harry Lumley Bayshore Community Centre.
- Saturday July 13, 2013,2nd Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Art in the Garden at Keppel Croft Gardens, with July 14 as rain date
- Saturday July 20, 2013,3rd Saturday:IVDAARA AGM 9:00 a.m. Kemble United Church
- Saturday August 10: Bruce Peninsula Multisport Race
- October 12 and 13, 2013: Artists Around The Sound Annual Thanksgiving Studio Tour
- Saturday October (date not set), 2013: Kemble Harvest Blowout – Pumpkin Chuckin.
- December 8, 2013, 2nd Saturday: Kemble Lion’s Non-motorized Christmas Parade.
- Saturday April 5, 2014 Fifth Annual Kemble Maple Syrup Tour
General Enquiries:
By email:
By mail: IVDAARA, 250784 Big Bay Sideroad, Georgian Bluffs, ON, N0H 2T0
Website submissions or feedback:
Rob Muylwyk,