IVDAARA has teamed up with Canada's oldest propane company, Sparlings Propane, to provide a discount and benefits for our members. Join IVDAARA for just $15/annually, and you are eligible to join the Island View - Sparlings Propane Group. For info, contact us.
Locations - Cedar Hill Park, Greystone Trails Parking and Presqu'ile Parkette.
Often spotted along the shores of Georgian Bay. This photo was near 5km marker on Grey Road 1.
A hidden gem, Centennial Park has a lovely cobblestone beach. This memorial bench gives you a relaxing view of Georgian Bay. There is a picnic shelter and a small amount of parking available.
The view from the Women's Institute Parkette over the fields to the water is stunning.
Welcome to Island View Drive and Area Ratepayers' Association
The Island View Drive AND AREA Ratepayers' Association was created in 1975 for the purpose of bringing the permanent and seasonal residents of Grey Road 1, the area locally known as Island View, AND area (Kemble, Big Bay, Presqui'le, Oxenden, etc) together in an informal, social, mutually beneficial union. It was founded on the principles of value retention, enhancement, and joy of ownership. Further, we are ever vigilant to the concerns of our membership as embodied in their directives for social, community and environmental responsibilities.
IVDAARA is a non-profit Corporation registered under the Ontario Non-Profit Corporation Act.
You may have heard through the media that Georgian Bluffs has just purchased South Bruce’s 1/2 share in the aiport for $600,000, in order to take complete ownership. The Mayor also said that they want to keep it certified, which means that millions of dollars will need to be spent to fix it up to regulatory standard. These decisions have been…
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Our latest newsletter “Viewpoint Spring 2015” is now available online HERE or under the “Newsletters” tab on the navigation bar. If you are receiving the Newsletter via Canada Post, please consider sharing your email address with us to help us reduce mailing costs. Remember, you can always secure a printed copy by downloading a PDF from the website and…
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Friends of the Kemble Heritage Hills worked diligently over the past 2 1/2 years to try to convince Georgian Bluffs Council to reopen these seasonal hill roads so that all residents and visitors could again enjoy their natural vistas. Unfortunately our quest came to an end when Council in February voted to change these historic roads into multi-use trails for ATVs,…
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Early in December 2014 we announced a Photo Contest for IVDAARA members and decided on a “Winter Wonderland” theme. When we picked this theme we had no idea that our area would have its first green Christmas in many, many years! The snow did eventually come at the end of December and our members were able to get out and get some…
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The Winter 2014 “Viewpoint” newsletter is now available online. Newsletter PDF This edition includes the official fall election results; council meeting dates; update on Heritage Hills; lots of social events; how you can help IVDAARA and our first-ever PHOTO CONTEST We trust you will enjoy the newsletter! REMEMBER: Mark your calendar for social events… we’ll see you there!
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Leading up the the fall election, Georgian Bluffs Council disappointingly made no decision on the maintenance and re-opening of Suicide Hill and Dodd’s W Hill. That decision will now rest with the new Council. However, Council did authorize the payment of nearly $30,000 to a consultant for a complete roads study … this study was conducted in the late summer and evaluated the…
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