Water Quality

It is in the best interest of all residents of any community to keep all water including bay or lake water, ground water or well water as clean as possible. This article will include information on private wells, watersheds and Georgian Bay as a factor in the health of the water that comes out of your tap. Treatment of the…

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Healthy Septic System Translates To A Healthier Environment

The septic tank whether it operates alone or in connection with a treatment system requires an inspection at least every two years and on average should be pumped every 3-4 years. Visual inspections will indicate when the sludge in the tank is approaching 1/3 full in the first compartment. If sludge in this compartment is greater than 1/3 it needs…

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Investigating the Possible Installation of Natural Gas Along Island View Drive On May 22, 2018 several members of the IVDAARA Board of Directors met with an Union Gas representative, the Mayor and CEO of the Township of Georgian Bluffs to discuss the process and likelihood of Grey Road 1 being given the opportunity for the installation of natural gas lines.…

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Open Air Fire Ban LIFTED

Open Air Fire Ban The open air fire ban has been lifted, effective immediately (July 23, 2018) All open air fires within the Township of Georgian Bluffs require a burn permit and must comply with By-law 14-2010, being a by-law to regulate open air fires. To review By-law 14-2010, follow the link below or give us a call at 519…

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Water Response Team request …

” … The Water Response Team is calling for a voluntary 10% reduction in surface and groundwater use throughout our watershed area until further notice. Non – essential use of water is being discouraged. This may not apply to Municipal Water users whose supply is Lake Huron or Georgian Bay. Continued dry weather may lead to more extreme low water…

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Shriners Thank IVDAARA!

  The Bruce Shrine Club has thanked IVDAARA members by letter, for our donations of aluminum pop cans.  Close to 200,000 cans have been crushed and recycled in order to raise funds for the Canadian Shrine Hospital for Children in Montreal.  Pop cans are collected at the Davidson Pop Can Depot at #505129 Grey Road 1, and then transported to…

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