Petition to Reduce Speed Limit along Grey Road 1

Petition to Reduce the Speed Limit Along Grey Road 1 (aka Island View Drive)

We, the undersigned, request that the Grey County Council for safety reasons reduce the speed limit from 80 km/h to 70 km/h along Grey Road 1 (the stretch of road that is also known as Island View Drive). There are three sections of Grey Road 1 that would be affected: 1st from the intersection of Presqu’ile Road (#33943) and Grey Road 1 (#505699) at the bottom of the Women’s Institute Scenic Lookout hill to Big Bay; 2nd from Big Bay to Cedar Hill Park; and 3rd from Colpoy’s Outlook to Fire #502254 at the bottom of the Bruce’s Caves hill.

When complete, please send to Brad Kuhn as soon as possible (34 Fairlawn Court, Ancaster, ON L9G 3S6 or

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